Firstly, there are two new groupings in the links portion. One is titled "Scholarly Resources," the other is titled "Investigative Reporting." In the first you will find a link to, for example, an excellent economics history web-page that includes all major Marxist and bourgeois economists. "Investigative Reporting" includes a link to Robert Parry's Consortium newsletter, which formerly used to be available only on a subscription basis. It is now free and contains reportage of contra/cocaine connections, for example.
Secondly, the June journal of the mailing list is available. This represents the "best of" our discussions and are quite good indeed. They include:
--State of the left in Australia
--Pauline Hanson (an Australian ultrarightist who attacks the notion of apologizing to aborigines)
--Who are our subscribers? What do they believe? (questions were put to list members that included what it means to be a Marxist in period of general working-class quiescence.)
--Was there a "bourgeois revolution" (discussion of Cobban, Furey, Comninel thesis that there was no such thing.)
--review of a book on labor and the Internet
--Andre Gunder Frank and the "lumpen bourgeoisie": a critique
--An exchange on the peace settlement in Ireland
--Cambodia scholarship and the Left
Louis Proyect (