Jonesing for the Dow

Enrique Diaz-Alvarez enrique at
Wed Aug 5 06:27:29 PDT 1998

Jordan Hayes wrote:
> Be careful, last time Doug called a top, the DJIA surged another
> thousand points. But if you're so sure: wanna buy a put?

This is a wicked and sinful nation and that Almighty God will come down in his Terrible Wrath and cause a bear market such as the world has never seen. And there will be Noah with an ark full of puts and short positions. And there will be a great storm. And the selling shall come down in torrents. And the firmament shall open and pour orders in upon Wall Street. And the brokers shall be sore afraid.

And the great beast shall be awakened, and the great Bear shall ravage the land. And the Street shall flow red with the blood of the unbelievers, the speculators and the money-lenders.

And in the haunts of the wicked there shall be much weeping, and wailing and gnashing of teeth.

And they who have sinned shall pound at the fortresses of the righteous, and demand a taxpayer-financed bailout. But the Lord in his Wrath shall be merciless (yeah, right)

Verily I tell ye, short everything.

> If only he hadn't said it before, two years (and thirty-four
> hundred djia points) ago.
> (for the record, i think we see 10,000 before we see 8,000)

Perhaps. But we'll see 4,000 before we see 20,000.

> /jordan

-- Enrique Diaz-Alvarez Office # (607) 255 5034 Electrical Engineering Home # (607) 758 8962 112 Phillips Hall Fax # (607) 255 4565 Cornell University mailto:enrique at Ithaca, NY 14853

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