the contribution of the communist party

Mark Jones Jones_M at
Thu Aug 6 11:08:59 PDT 1998

James, you are obviously trapped inside a torc, ie inverted space-time domain. You may meet some Vulcans in time. Perhaps you'll meet Bert Ramelson, yelling at you from the far end of a wormhole, who knows. (Ramelson was the CPGB's Industrial organiser; Britain's MI5 did not need bugs, so my friend Jim Hillier says, because Bert, who was deaf, shouted out so loud at Central Committee meetings that casual passers-by on King Street could hear every word of the CPGB's industrial strategy).

I am not a very active defender of the memory of the CPGB, but this of yours is a laughable travesty of how it was -- even by your own standards.

It is necessary to remember that in 1945 globalism wasn't a gleam in anyone's eye and that people still had illusions about 'socialism in one country'. That notion informed the strategy of every western communist party and was its reason for existence. Once we began to understand the relativism of the state, the notion of overthrowing it necessarily palled. But in general the CPGB's record in opposing British colonialism and fighting racism was exemplary. It is a slander to say anything else. As for the name of the party, it was Great Britain because that does not include Northern Ireland. Perhaps you would have prefered a more monarchical formulation, CPUK for example? That would automatically have included Ulster. What is your line on Ireland BTW? I have read lots of your words on the subject and still have no idea.

I'm beginning to see what your problem is, Jimbo old lad: it's your mother in law, yes? She was a communist! No wonder you turned out the way you did.

As for the list of names you mention, mostly they were cops, weren't they?


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