Krugman on Marx

Paul Henry Rosenberg rad at
Thu Aug 13 08:57:49 PDT 1998

michael perelman wrote:

> James Baird wrote:
> > has there ever been a serious attempt to refute
> > Marxian economics by a "mainstream" economist?
> Certainly not a serious attempt. A few, such as Michio Morishima, have
> attempted to show how Marx can be recast into mathematical formulae and thus
> appear to be respectable. Paul Samuelson has attempted to refute Marx, but
> in a clumsy and not very effective way. You just set up a straw man and
> knock it down.
> Mostly the refutations consist of denying the labor theory of value by
> asserting that capital is productive. Probably the most serious efforts
> came from the Austrian school, Bohm Bawerk and Hayek.

What about the reverse?

Saffra's work on reswitching & its implications?

I had the impression this left the LTV looking much better than the neo-classical alternative.

With all the economists on this list, maybe I can finally get enlightened on this.

-- Paul Rosenberg Reason and Democracy rad at

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