Cato Ad Infinito

Max Sawicky sawicky at
Thu Aug 13 13:55:12 PDT 1998

>Jeez, you'll be carrying on about the inequity of the capital gains tax
next. Corporations' ability to minimize tax liabilty by shopping around for offshore tax havens makes a mockery of any claims of fairness whatsoever in this matter. I honestly can't figure out why you waste time trying to correct the thinking of dunderheads like myself when your valuable insights could add further to the luster of major thinkers like, say, Steve Forbes.>

Nobody here, least of all me, has made any such "claims of fairness" re: the tax code. All I said was that capital in the corporate sector is taxed more heavily than non-corporate, so that limited liability did not come without some price. The fact that corporations try to minimize their tax liability was and is irrelevant in that context.

You dundered into this yourself.

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