Soros says he has no short position in rouble

Tom Lehman uswa12 at
Thu Aug 13 18:19:21 PDT 1998

Dear Doug,

Interestingly enough, in the quoted text, Soros used the word "we" rather than "I".

If you can retrieve the exact quote from Reuters I think it might be worth saving---sort of like Galbraith if you know what I mean---for your next book.

Fraternally, Tom

Doug Henwood wrote:

> Tom Lehman wrote:
> >Seth, may want to consider this statement by George Soros. Some of you
> >Russian experts may want to enlighten us on the real numbers of the
> >Russian economic decline. Just what kind of magnitudes and in what
> >markets will this devaluation(?) effect.
> Never take a George Soros letter to the editor at face value. Nice to hear
> he isn't short the ruble; I suspect he's long Russia and is aching for a
> bailout. A 70% stock market decline is probably enough to put even his
> sweet deals underwater.
> Doug

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