Cato Ad Infinito

Carl Remick cremick at
Fri Aug 14 06:40:52 PDT 1998

Re Joseph Noonan's: "The double taxation canard is a favorite of the right. But if this phrase 'double taxation' is to mean anything, why isn't it true of my income as a wage slave. I pay income taxes and then I turn around and pay sales tax on the money I have left after the nasty confiscatory Federal Gov't has stolen from me. How is that any less 'double taxation'?"

Bull's-eye! Excellent comparison. Considering the world's gross economic inequities of every sort, I've never understood this right-wing fetish about double taxation of dividends. Or rather, I DO understand right-wingers are hopelessly greedy, but I don't get why they think arguments that serve their own interests so baldly are going to have popular appeal.

Carl Remick

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