Mumia's guilt

John K. Taber jktaber at
Mon Aug 17 18:19:42 PDT 1998

Max Sawicky wrote:
> >Max Sawicky wrote:
> >
> >>Vegetarianism jeopardizes your status
> >>as an authentic left-con, but we are
> >>broad-minded so we will make an exception
> >>if you stay away from yuppie vegetables
> >>like arugula and hearts of palm.
> >
> >Max, hearts of palm is so 70s. Or is Washington just in its own time warp?
> It's true that culturally speaking we are
> a backwater, especially compared to Manhattan.
> There's also the populist angle which tends
> to repel cosmopolitan avant-garde tendencies.
> Hence the celebration of gawdawful bean soup
> served in the Capitol cafeteria.

Hmm. Well, I like that bean soup too. Matter of fact some of the best dishes in the world are made from beans. You can't beat pasta "fazul".

Sheesh, you guys, stick to politics and economics and class, and lay off the food.

Mumble, mumble.

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