It seems to me that all the arguments pro-and-con value theory have been made over and over and over again. The problem in the Italian Communist Party was not one of intellectual confusion. Rather it was a class-based retreat from revolutionary politics that was part of the Eurocommunist phenomenon. If hadn't been for value theory deviationism, it would have been something else. Being determines consciousness, not the other way around.
My only reaction to the gob of prose that I posted here was that it was so technical as to be useless. I don't think the author's problem is that his first language is Spanish. I have run into the same problem trying to read other Marxist economists who rely on mathematical models.
My general impression of the value theorists I've run into on the Net, including Jerry Levy and Alin Cottrell, is that they are not interested in politics. I am not saying that this is the case for you, but I would say that it seems to pervade the value theory subculture.
Louis Proyect