Query: The Political Economy of the Beeper

Frances Bolton (PHI) fbolton at chuma.cas.usf.edu
Sat Aug 22 06:26:31 PDT 1998


Thanks for the anecdotes. You have no idea how helpful those are. Beepers don't figure in the gangsta narratives that have been published, and I *knew* they were part of the drug trade, but couldn't find any evidence, even ancedotal. I couldn't sleep last night, staring at the ceiling wondering about the beepers. I woke up this morning, my first thought was about the beepers. Now I can actually start writing without the fear that the paper is going to crumble. I'd like to use your anecdotes in the paper, if you don't mind. I can use "anonymous" or a fake name, if you wish. Any other anecdotes would be welcome.

Thanks so much again, Frances

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