la revolution

Louis Proyect lnp3 at
Mon Aug 24 04:53:48 PDT 1998

>Engaging in more of a dialog here with Withrow might give you some
>insight into more subtle forces at work than blatant propaganda, and
>this in turn could make you more effective politically.
>Paul Rosenberg
>Reason and Democracy

Well, look, the Spoons Marxism list used to be visited by right-wingers all the time. So in the middle of a discussion about the civil war in former Yugoslavia, we'd all of a sudden get a dozen bright people trying to refute a libertarian. People didn't join a Marxism list to hear that sort of nonsense and they would disappear. I leave it up to Doug to decide what the character of LBO-Talk should be. If we end up with 3 or 4 more Withrows, I will sign off. This mailing-list is not unmoderated. On the second day Doug threw off a Trotskyist by the name of Hugh Rodwell because he got into his ritual incantation about the need to build a "revolutionary party." I can put up with Max Sawicky and Brad DeLong because they represent important trends in mainstream thought and are sharp debaters. Withrow I have no use for and this will be the last thing I say about him.

Louis Proyect (

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