In other words, do you have a maximum plan to go with your minimum plan (or program) ?
Charles Brown
Workers of the West, it's our turn.
>>> james withrow <withrow21 at> 08/24 11:19 AM >>>
All my plans are based on a group of workers confronting their employer and demanding respect, better wages and benefits, and a voice in the workplace. In every case, uniting with fellow workers in other workplaces is bound to be a prerequisite for success. I think that might be considered the minimum class struggle position.
If your organizing plan requires some custom-fitting to a specific type of class struggle, I may have to charge more than my normal rate of $300,000. Probably $320,000.
I should mention that all my organizing plans do come with a money-back guarantee if they don't perform as promised, which, I feel, beats the competition hands-down.
Thanks for shopping at Unions-R-Us.
James in Philly