On Sunday, Jim posted something about a new Harley Davidson (TM) doll being marketed by the Franklin Mint (TM). After being unable to locate this ad in my own copy of Parade Magazine (TM), I cruelly, unjustly, and inappropriately accused Jim of lying about the existence of said doll.
Jim faxed me a copy of the ad. I am sorry for any emotional pain I might have caused Jim Devine. I am not worthy so much as to gather the crumbs from under thy table, oh merciful Jim. Praise Jim from whom all Harley Davidson (TM) doll ads flow. Praise him all creatures here below, praise Him. Praise Harley (TM) and the Franklin Mint, and praise Jim!
I hope that you can find it in your heart to accept this humble apology.
I am not worthy, Frances **********************************************************************
S. Frances Bolton Department of Philosophy, CPR 107 phone: 813.974.2447 University of South Florida fax: 813.974.5914 Tampa, FL 33605 fbolton at chuma.cas.usf.edu **********************************************************************