Apology to Jim Devine

James Devine jdevine at popmail.lmu.edu
Mon Aug 24 15:06:19 PDT 1998

This sets a new standard for ending the flame-wars which seem to plague lbo-talk! ;-)

At 05:40 PM 8/24/98 -0400, you wrote:
>On Sunday, Jim posted something about a new Harley Davidson (TM) doll
>being marketed by the Franklin Mint (TM). After being unable to locate
>this ad in my own copy of Parade Magazine (TM), I cruelly, unjustly, and
>inappropriately accused Jim of lying about the existence of said doll.
>Jim faxed me a copy of the ad. I am sorry for any emotional pain I might
>have caused Jim Devine. I am not worthy so much as to gather the crumbs
>from under thy table, oh merciful Jim. Praise Jim from whom all Harley
>Davidson (TM) doll ads flow. Praise him all creatures here below, praise
>Him. Praise Harley (TM) and the Franklin Mint, and praise Jim!
>I hope that you can find it in your heart to accept this humble apology.
>I am not worthy,
> S. Frances Bolton
>Department of Philosophy, CPR 107 phone: 813.974.2447
>University of South Florida fax: 813.974.5914
>Tampa, FL 33605 fbolton at chuma.cas.usf.edu
Jim Devine jdevine at popmail.lmu.edu & http://clawww.lmu.edu/Departments/ECON/jdevine.html

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