Islamic economics

Carl Remick cremick at
Wed Aug 26 06:34:46 PDT 1998

Re JBRJr's: " Let me note that there is an economic aspect to this in the form of Islamic economics, that gets pushed by Islamic fundamentalists, including the Wah'habists. In virtually all of the Islamic Shari'as is the forbidding of interest (riba), found vigorously expressed in the Qur'an. There is now a worldwide Islamic banking movement that does not technically involve the payment of interest ... I note, however, that .... profit is approved."

With the growing polarization between Western and Islamic cultures, the topic of Islamic economics deserves extended discussion. The proscription concerning interest has always intrigued me -- though that "not technically" point shows there is a lot of wiggle room there. In any case, I would value learning more about this subject.

Carl Remick

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