
Tom Kruse tkruse at albatros.cnb.net
Fri Dec 4 11:50:08 PST 1998

I'd like to agree with Alexon this:

>I'm not blind to the exploitation and oppression in my own
>community. But movements happen for specific reasons.

And when they're not happening, as MOVEMENTS, what is one to do? Not a simple question. One must consider:

- your income - all the strategic tactical stuff already touched on - what you have to offer anyway (skills, abilities) - fulfillment

The latter might sound hopelessly new agey or something. I mean it like this: all the folks I know and admire for hanging in there have learned to somehow take joy in the process, where others so often despair; to be able to deal anguish that comes from recognizing one's own racism, sexism, and limits generally; to accept that what we will see in our lifetimes is precious little. They have been patiently impatient (as Borge said), and have really loved the people and times.

If Alex or any of us despair of these problems in some place and time, shold that surprise us?


Tom Kruse Casilla 5812 / Cochabamba, Bolivia Tel/Fax: (591-4) 248242 Email: tkruse at albatros.cnb.net

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