Pinochet, the new anti-imperialist

R. Magellan magellan at
Sat Dec 12 14:41:14 PST 1998

It is quite curious that the latest message written by Pinochet, as published in the "Jornal do Brasil", Saturday, Dec. 12, as well as the joint declaration of the Southern Cone presidents (all of them neoliberals) on behalf of Pinochet, published Friday, and the newest decisions of the Chilean National Security Council (Cosena) and some interviews given by the presidents in Rio de Janeiro during their recent meeting, all bear several points in common with the insane harangues of Adolph, that surnamed Olaechea. The nazi movement "Patria y Libertad" even complains against "colonialism" ! Of course, those polite gentlemen, including the tyrant himself, don't write in the same deranged style of the Little Helmsman of the Marxism-International list, but they are nonetheless coincidental in substance with him.

Their main rationale is "sovereignty" and "non-intervention in the internal affairs", but they even concede that the tyrant might face a trial, what is an enormous progress (needless to say that a trial in the present situation of Chile would be a mockery).

I will spare you to read the entire content of Pinochet's message. You may find it at <> access through the section "Internacional". Just a sample:

a) Pinochet, a Western hero against communism: see (1) below.

b) Pinochet, the innocent victim of a terrible and coward European conspiracy, being 1/3 of the official 3,000 dead count the victims of communists: see (2) below.

c) Put the blame on communists for his present ordeal: see (3) below.

d) Special thanks for the support given by Christian Democrats and by some Socialists (Allende's party), all united around Chilean sovereignty, knowing that future generations will recognize Pinochet's deeds: see (4) below.

I sent yesterday the joint declaration of the Southern Cone presidents (all of them neoliberals) on behalf of Pinochet. These gentlemen never speak of sovereignty when they deal with economic matters.

Among the interviews, the most meaningful was that of Carlos Menem, the Peronista neoliberal Argentinian president: "I would like to ask to judge Garzón if he ever tried just one of Francisco Franco's collaborators. [the late dictator of Spain] He didn't, but he dares to disturb our people!" This is the "Spanish hyprocrisy" argument (variant: the British one).

Nevertheless, the hypocrite Menem pardoned all the miltary terrorists condemned by the sovereign Argentinian courts that he could set free. It is feared that he will eventually pardon once more the War Navy high officers which are now under trial for kidnapping and killing babies. Oh, he also invoked the Argentinian sovereignty theme during the interview in Rio de Janeiro, when a jounalist referred to the recent international prison order issued by Switzerland against the dictator general Jorge Videla for the murder of a double nationality Swiss-Chilean young man in Buenos Aires.

Half of the 8 members of the Chilean National Security Council (Cosena) are the highest military commanders. The others are the President of the Republic, the President of the Senate, the President of the Supreme Court and the Attorney-General. Yesterday, Friday, the Council decided to take several reprisals against Spain and Britain (rather symbolic ones). They insisted on the sovereignty argument and asked for a national unanimity, what might be interpreted as a veiled menace of a new military coup. During this week the Armed Forces have been delivering press releases which highly praise Pinochet's rule, for the first time in the present crisis.

In solidarity, Roberto

1848 / 1998: Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch !

Paix entre nous, guerre aux tyrans (....) Ouvriers, paysans, nous sommes Le grand PARTI DES TRAVAILLEURS. (L' Internationale)

Pinochet's samples: *************************

(1) "El dilema era; o vencía la concepción cristiana occidental de la existencia para que primara en el mundo el respeto a la dignidad humana y la vigencia de los valores fundamentales de nuestra civilización; o se imponía la visión materialista y atea del hombre y la sociedad, con un sistema implacablemente opresor de sus libertades y de sus derechos."

(2) "He sido objeto de una maquinación político-judicial, artera y cobarde, que no tiene ningún valor moral. Mientras en este continente, y específicamente en los países que me condenan mediante juicios espurios, el comunismo ha asesinado a muchos millones de seres humanos durante este siglo, a mí se me persigue por haberlo derrotado en Chile, salvando al país de una virtual guerra civil. Ello significó tres mil muertos, de los cuales casi un tercio son uniformados y civiles que cayeron víctimas del terrorismo extremista. (...) Soy falsamente juzgado en numerosos países europeos, en una operación dirigida por quienes se dicen mis enemigos, sin que exista por lo mismo la más remota posibilidad de que quienes me prejuzgan y condenan lleguen a comprender nuestra historia y a entender el espíritu de lo que hicimos. Soy absolutamente inocente de todos los crímenes y de los hechos que irracionalmente se me imputan. Sin embargo, temo que quienes lo hacen nunca estuvieron ni estarán dispuestos a darse a la razón y aceptar la verdad."

(3) "Al contrario, quienes provocaron esos males, quienes dispusieron en nuestros países de armas y financiamiento soviéticos para realizarlos, quienes promovieron y predicaron a nuestros pueblos la siniestra ideología del socialismo marxista, son los que se levantan hoy como mis jueces."

(4) "Agradezco también a quienes no formaron parte de mi gobierno y, siendo incluso sus adversarios, han sabido valorar en esta hora, por sobre cualquier diferencia, la defensa de la soberanía y la dignidad del país. Es probable que los misteriosos caminos que el Señor reserva a cada pueblo puedan llevar a que muchos chilenos tarden en descubrir la verdad de lo que ha vivido nuestra Patria. Yo les digo que nada podrá impedir que un día, tal vez no tan lejano, vuelva la paz y la sensatez a esos espíritus que todavía permanecen cegados por la pasión, y en la serenidad de otros tiempos, cuando la historia reivindique nuestra obra común, terminen reconociendo el valor y los méritos de ella. En ese momento, es probable que yo ya no esté. Será, sin embargo, la hora de la victoria, la hora en que los ideales que iluminaron nuestros sueños terminen siendo comunes a todos los chilenos."

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