NEW: BRC-ALL: Black Radical Congress Mailing List

Art McGee amcgee at
Tue Dec 22 23:48:21 PST 1998


The general international mailing list of the Black Radical Congress (BRC) is now operational. The name of the list is BRC-ALL, and it is open to all BRC members and our allies (that includes black Leftists, Nationalists, Feminists, LGBTs, Pan-Africanists, Socialists, Progressives, and others who aren't specifically BRC members, but who basically agree with our goals and principles).

The list will function as the primary means of disseminating official BRC related information, and for discussing the current and future direction of the organization.

To make sure that everyone is on the same page, I need to clear up a critical and common misconception. The Black Radical Congress was not the one-time meeting that occurred on June 19th, 1998 in Chicago, IL, USA, nor is it simply a planning group for the upcoming conference scheduled for the same date in the year 2000.

The Black Radical Congress is no less than the organizational manifestation of the re-emergence and renaissance of the Black Left.

It's purpose is not to replace the work that Black people are already doing as individuals or in other organizations (although it does have it's own role to play), but rather, to serve as an expansive umbrella organization of unity, under which we can better fight for the unique needs of the masses of Black people.

Many people who previously expressed interest in the BRC have already been subscribed to the list, but if you haven't (you would have received a notice via email), you can subscribe by sending an email message to:

majordomo at

With the two line command in the body of the message that says:

subscribe brc-all end

If the traffic on the list ever gets too heavy for you, you can switch over to the digest version by sending these commands to the same address:

subscribe brc-all-digest unsubscribe brc-all end

Information regarding the Black Radical Congress (BRC), it's goals, and the guiding "Principles of Unity" can always be found on the web site:

I'm the primary administrator of the BRC-ALL mailing list and a member of the BRC's National Cyber-Organizing Committee, so if you have any questions, please let me know.

Take care.

Art McGee

| Organization Consultant Institute for Global Communications |
| SEIU Local 790 IRS 501(c)(3) |
| amcgee at |
| National Cyber-Organizing Committee Black Radical Congress |
| amcgee at |
| Command: subscribe brc-all Address: majordomo at |

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