the Butler did it

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Thu Dec 24 09:20:40 PST 1998

Doug Henwood wrote:

>What's useful about Butler & Foucault is they make us think about all those
>micromoments of reproduction (and in Butler's case, make us think about how
>humans are sexed, which is something Marxists have been rather bad on).

Oh yeah, also, most political economists don't know squat about culture or the psychic life of power, and are often hostile to the effort of understanding it, denouncing it as mystical or decadent. And most cultural radicals, Marxist or not, don't know squat about political economy - the name Jameson comes quickly to mind. One of the reasons I started this list was to get these two groups to talk to each other, since I think this mutually reinforcing ignorance is bad for intellectual and political life.


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