Economic models and social economy.

Charles Brown CharlesB at
Fri Jul 10 18:52:57 PDT 1998

Ju-chang He would appreciate comments on the following from list members.

Charles Brown


Sincerely, Ju-chang He

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Message one: The final result of the development of social economy: the stage of time-decreasing in work.

My article (1)"ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL ECONOMY" <> taking unemployment as a clue, explains in detail the four stages of social economy and points out the final result of the development of social economy "The fourth stage: the stage of time-decreasing in work". Do you think whether there is some other final result? If any, please point it out.

2. Message two: A model of economic growth

My article set up a model of economic growth, through which people are able to find out the cause of unemployment and , what's more, the best way to solve the problem of unemployment. Please visit My Home Page at <>.

3. Message three: How to solve the problems of INFLATION?

At The third stage for (1)"ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL ECONOMY", my article have a preliminary discussion of inflation, i.e. an investment of the government in the expressway may give rise to inflation. My article (2)"ON INFLATION" has a full exposition of the cause of inflation and the way to solve it. Therefore, I believe, inflation will inevitably take place in the process of the development of social economy. We, however, have no reason to be frightened at inflation, which may sometimes stimulate the development of social economy. Please visit My Home Page at <>.

4. Message four: The four-grade division of demand and consumption

My article "ON INFLATION" divides social demand and consumption into four grades. Through the four-grade division of demand and consumption, the development of social economy can be given a further explanation. Please visit My Home Page at <>.

5. Message five: what is market regulation

My article (3)"ON WHATS MARKET REGULATION AND ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MARKET AND GOVERNMENT" gives a detailed explanation of what is market readjustment: Chart 2: free flow of labour force. In this way, it is quite easy for the government to make regulation and give guidance of market. When there appears insufficient supply of grain and starvation, what the government should do is to guide labour force and funds to grain production so as to acquire more grain; when there appears surplus of grain, what the government should do is to guide labour force and funds to industrial production so as to acquire more industrial products. And my four-grade division of demand and consumption thus makes the function of government's market regulation and market guidance further clear: when there appears insufficient production of necessary consumer goods of the first grade, the government is to guide labour force and funds to the production of necessary consumer goods of the first grade; when there appears overproduction of necessary consumer goods of the first grade, the government is to guide labour force and funds to the production of ordinary consumer goods of the second grade; and when there appears overproduction of ordinary consumer goods of the second grade, the government is to guide labour force and funds to the production of extravagant consumer goods of the third grade. Please visit My Home Page at <>.

6. Message six: Unemployment and inflation are not frightful

I'd like to distinctly tell the government heads of all nations in the world and the people that unemployment and inflation are not so frightful. They are sure to take place in the process of the development of social economy. There is no development without unemployment and inflation. And unemployment and inflation are solvable. With the solution of unemployment and inflation, social economy will develop forward, smoothly and rapidly. Please visit My Home Page at <>. You'll find out the best way to solve the problems of unemployment and inflation.

7. Message seven: Keynesianism is out of date?

Keith Goldson, a Belize student, asked me some questions about Keynes' solution to unemployment. Please read the following e-mail dialogue <> and pay attention to my answers to these questions. I'd like to discuss Keith Goldson's questions with those interested in them. I'm really eager to know if anybody has any other more convincing answers to Keith Goldson's questions. Do you think keynes' interpretation of solution to unemployment is practicable? And don't you think Keynesianism is out of date and my corrections of Keynesianism are reasonable and feasible? Thanks.


Two hundred years ago, Jean Baptiste Say's, Adam Smith, Ricardo, Malthus and John Stuart Mill, who were well-known economists then, set up a magnificent building of economic theories. They thought of one country's economy as a kind of system possessing various parts which are interconnected, interdependent and self-adjusting. This idea was authoritative and also effective. It was this idea that brought about Charles Darwin's initiative study in the theory of evolution. There were still John Maynard Keynes who is known as the most famous capitalist economist in the twentieth century and founder of Keynesianism. He once wrote a book named "THE GENERAL THEORY OF EMPLOYMENT, INTEREST AND MONEY", which was known as a sign of KEYNESIAN REVOLUTION.

Although these economists are well-known to the world, yet not everybody is able to understand or comprehend their writings. It is nowadays only university students and postgraduates majoring in economics who are willing to read them. Their process of inference and its bases are unacceptable to the common people. The reason is that these processes of inference are unlike those of mathematics and physics, every step of which has known theorems and laws, or experiments as its bases. So it is not strange that Alfred S. Eichner, an American, edited a book called "WHY ECONOMICS IS NOT YET A SCIENCE", which has been translated into Chinese by Su Tong, Kang Yi-tong and others and published by Beijing University Publishing House. On P.144 of the Chinese version of this book, Alfred S. Eichner said, "It has been more than forty years since the revolution touched off by Keynes' work "THE GENERAL THEORY OF EMPLOYMENT, INTEREST AND MONEY" took place. People have all the more realized seriousness of the present economic problems. The theoretical system for explaining modern economics is also even more confusing. According to the pattern discovered by Dudley Dillard, people have every reason to expect that the revolution of a new economic theory is coming soon, or, we can say, is in progress." ( I don't have the original edition published by THE MACMILLAN PRESS LTD. 1983. at hand. This passage is translated from the above-mentioned Chinese version.)
>From what is stated above, we may have made it clear that the present
economics really remains to be improved and advanced. It isn't so simple for social economics to become a science, which, I believe, can be realized only through a lot of people's great efforts and hard struggle.

Please Visit My Home Page at <>. You'll find out that the revolution of a new economic theory is coming.

9. Message nine: Disputes of Say's Law.(Jean-Baptiste Say's Law)

Say's Law, whose main idea on economics is that supply creates its own demand, gave rise to two longest and most comprehensive disputes in the history of economics. But these disputes haven't come to an end even today. Please visit My Home Page at <>. I'll try to put forward so

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