Abortion acceptability data

Katha Pollitt kpollitt at thenation.com
Tue Jun 2 10:12:31 PDT 1998

Thanks for that interesting statistical material, Wojtek. I don't mean to quibble, but I wonder how relevant they are to what we are discussing, which is: what should the position of "the left" be on the issue of compromising on the LEGALITY and AVAILABILITY of abortion. Asking people how "acceptable" abortion is to them does not tell us what they think about what social policy should be. I find many things totally unacceptable--men leaving their middle-aged wives for younger models, for example, professors having sex with their students-- that I believe should be legal.Similarly, most Americans routinely tell pollsters that they think premarital sex, extramarital sex are ALWAYS wrong--that doesn't mean they want the govt to police the bedroom. I really think you and Max are a little too eager to give away the store on this issue.

An interesting fact: in the last decade (Alan guttmacher again) 12 countries have liberalized their abortion laws , including Italy and some of the other countries you cite. Only ONE has made abortion law more restrictive: Poland.

best, katha

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