Abortion and the Death Penalty

Rakesh Bhandari bhandari at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Mon Jun 8 10:45:52 PDT 1998

Murray and Herrnstein advocated that "the extensive network of cash and services for low income women to have babies be ended." The State of New Jersey acted accordingly. The family cap which cut off extra benefits to welfare recepients who have additional children may have caused some women to abort their pregnancies, as reported in the NYT today (Jun 8, p. A10). The Roman Catholic Church and conservative Christian groups have joined with advocates of the poor to argue against family caps. There are serious methodological difficulties in establishing a cause and effect relationship between the cap and abortion; it seems that there would be a much clearer relatoinship between the caps and the poverty of children women decide to have. At any rate, here in this dreadful case are many of things we have been talking about: abortion, religion and race (implicitly, I would argue). best, rakesh

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