Bible Books and Criticism of religion.

Charles Brown charlesb at
Tue Jun 9 07:58:00 PDT 1998

>>> <Dhlazare wrote:

As long as people are tossing around religious commentaries, here's my contribution: >>>

Ditto , from me, Fredrick Engels "The Book of Revelations" (Progress, Vol. 2, London , 1883), where Engels argues that the Christian book of Revelations is a code in numerology for a revolutionary overthrow of the imperial City of Rome; and "Bruno Bauer and Early Christianity" (1882) . These and other essays on Christianity and religion are in _Marx and Engels on Religion_ (Schocken Books N.Y 1964;1971) This reader also contains Marx's foreward to his ph.d thesis "The Difference between the Natural Philosophy of Democritus and the Natural Philosophy of Epicurus" on atheisim, as well as his "Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right (Law), Introduction ("...the criticism of religion is be premise of all criticism." ...religion is the heart of a heartless condition...religious distress is real distress...religion is the halo round the vale of woe or tears)

Charles Brown

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