Greed is good

Carrol Cox cbcox at
Wed Jun 10 10:10:43 PDT 1998

There is a fatal error involved in attacks on the "Greed is good" slogan, it is double-edged, and the only people it cuts *in practice* are the poor slobs doing the work. Whenever I praised greed in my classes (and I always did) the brighter conservative students, and both the brighter and not so bright among 'run-of-the-mill' working class students *immediately* recognized it as an attack on the rich.

There is no typographical error in the preceding paragraph. And it is based on my actual experience both with students and with lower-paid workers.

"Greed is good" is, in practice, an attack on the rich.

"Greed is bad" is, in practice, an attack on the poor.

The resonance of the *word*, "greed," not the intention of its users is what has an impact, and the material impact is always on "greedy workers," greedy "welfare queens," greedy old people, etc. In practice all too many people take the "greed" of the capitalists for granted, as a fact of nature, while the "greed" of the striker who lives across the street or of the food-stamp user in the checkout line buying some "luxury" is condemned.


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