Farewell to Kinky Sex? (was Re: what is the christian left?)

Dennis R Redmond dredmond at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Wed Jun 10 17:05:35 PDT 1998

On Wed, 10 Jun 1998, Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:

> LBO-talk's fast becoming a hangout for leftists who have religious
> fetishes. You might rename the list 'left religious observer'! What
> happened to the meeting ground between marxism and kinky sex?

There were too many bodies occupying the grounds, performing the most remarkable Deleuzian pulsions (it's amazing, what you can do with a fiber optic cable and enough lubricant... gives whole new meaning to the term, "bandwidth"), so the venue was changed to a Gothic rave on the rooftop of the local 700-Club studio. Interesting things happened when an effigy of an amazingly overendowed Oral Roberts crashed their satellite uplink. The rest of the night was, shall we say, classified, though not the way the FBI uses the term...

-- Dennis

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