Political fation fighting in the government
> is entirely of a personal nature, there are no discenrible political
> differences between any members of Blair's cabinet, only petty back-
> biting over the spolis of office.
The 1810s in U.S. history are know as the "era of good feeling" because there were no issues at stake in electoral politics (the Federalists had collapsed), and I understand that for personal attacks and ill feeling no period in our history matched that "era of good feeling." We are now again in such an era. Debate over issues has almost entirely disappeared from the political "debates" of our "One-Party-with-two-right-wings" state. Take away the personal attacks on Clinton on the WSJ ed and op-ed pages and what you have left is praise for Clinton's program. And indeed they should praise him for he has done better by WSJ principles than did either Reagan or Bush.