On the contrary. It is a smashing success. What better means of controlling discontent than to dope a substantial portion of the working class and disenfranchised poor, then put a significant minority of them under the direct control of the State? And to boot, another section of the working class is employed in building prisons, overseeing their occupants, or monitoring those outside prison who remain under the watchful control of the criminal injustice system. It's a growth industry! As an added bonus, while incarcerated, we can put those folks to work at slave wages (another oxymoron) and use their labor to drag down the wage standards of those who have yet to be jailed. If they should happen to get out, they certainly pose no electoral problem, for we take away their right to vote. I'd say the War on Drugs has achieved all that it was intended to. Invest those IRA dollars in a business with a guaranteed future - Penal Enterprise, Inc.
In solidarity, Michael E.