evolution of black radical thought

Jim heartfield Jim at heartfield.demon.co.uk
Thu Jun 25 09:01:15 PDT 1998

In message <l03130311b1b80fdfb9b6@[]>, Doug Henwood <dhenwood at panix.com> writes
>This post from Lou Proyect
accuses Rakesh of
of being
> willful
of having
>zero knowledge
>poorly formed impressions
>which are stoked by your emotions, and filled with ignorance.
Finally, Louis offers
>To assist you in focusing your thoughts,

Louis' courage in refusing to curb his points, for fear of appearing to promote a racial stereotype of the ignorant, emotive, willful Indian is impressive.

However, from his many posts, research and correspondence, I feel sure that most would agree that Rakesh does know quite a lot about the politics of race, as he does about political economy. Even someone as well informed as Louis could learn something from Rakesh, if he chose to. -- Jim heartfield

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