The UAW under Yokich is the same authoritarian, anti-democratic, gang of hacks with fundamentally the same vision---going back to the days of Reuther and Bluestone. Consider the maneuvering to get Bob King out of Region I and to replace hime with a Yokich wannabe. Or reconsider the fact that the UAW did indeed lead the botched newspaper strike.
Neither the AFL -CIO nor the relatively privileged North American industrial working class is likely, in the foreseeable future, to launch a struggle to establish the practice and ideas necessary for democratic or egalitarian social change. This does not mean the workers never will. It does mean they won't soon.
The struggles for justice in the near future will lilely come from youth, in schools and out--and others locked out of the industrial working class....
Sisternally, best. rich
At 08:37 PM 6/26/98 -0700, you wrote:
> Dear Doug and the Left Buysiness Observers,
>It's always easy to blame the union leadership, and, that's the easy way
>out that a lot of people take when the pressure is on!!! I know you to be
>a very smart and righteous gentleman Give your union a call and ask them
>what you can do to help out. Fraternally,
Rich Gibson
Director of International Social Studies
Wayne State University
College of Education
Detroit MI 48202
Life travels upward in spirals.
Those who take pains to search the shadows
of the past below us, then, can better judge the
tiny arc up which they climb,
more surely guess the dim
curves of the future above them.