rural idiocy

Jim heartfield Jim at
Tue May 5 10:32:32 PDT 1998

I wrote

The class character of the anti-car movement here is written in their home county accents. It is entirely characteristic that forms of working class mobility should be the subject of middle class panics.

On cue come Doug, Wojtek and Michael...

In message <l03130305b174f05ce1c6@[]>, Doug Henwood <dhenwood at> writes
>Autoparasites. Killer cars.
In message < at>, Wojtek Sokolowski <sokol at> writes
>So this is yet another explame of capitalist propaganda that uses working
>class cultural identity -- infatuation with cars as symbols of 'power' and
>'idepenedence' -- to dupe the working class to pay a much higher share its
>income just to be able to get to work.
In message <354F2B6B.C5DB751 at>, michael <michael at> writes
> Cities with
>jobs that do not require long commutes. Pleasant public transportation
Come on guys! Look honestly into your own consciences and come clean: its not the cars that irritate you, its those pushy plebs in them. -- Jim heartfield

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