Auto-plant design and worker orgranizing: was, well, lots of other things

Brad De Long delong at econ.Berkeley.EDU
Tue May 5 21:31:51 PDT 1998

>I do not think tht workersin the Mexico Ford plant are skilled at all.
>Work in
>an auto plant requires very little skill with very few exceptions. that's why
>Ford could move in the first place. High productivity (from the technology)
>and low wages from the huge pool of surplus labor.
>Michael Yates

Work in an auto plant requires a high tolerance for noise, a high tolerance for boredom, a substantial amount of manual dexterity, and substantial familiarity with how to handle machine technologies.

Assembly-line jobs are not easy jobs.

Hermosillo is interesting because it is unusual: were it usual, the auto industry would have moved to Mexico and the rest of Latin America a generation ago.

Brad DeLong

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