
Brad De Long delong at econ.Berkeley.EDU
Thu May 7 17:47:16 PDT 1998

>Brad de Long, you still here?
>Paul Krugman quotes you in the current Foreign Affairs saying:
>"So what, then, *is* new about our post-industrial economy? What is new is
>that for the first time since the invention of printing, information
>processing and distribution has become one of the leading sectors.... Our
>leading sectors are changing the conditions of life of those who use
>information to direct enterprises - managers - and they are also changing
>the conditions of life of those who use information to decide what to buy -
>consumers. Perhaps most of interest, however, society's information
>processors and distributors include its intellectuals.
> So we intellectuals are, quite naturally, incredibly excited. And we are
>very, very articulate."

Well, I was thinking of the "new economy" intellectuals as the articulate ones.

And I may have to eat my words: if you notice *both* Krugman's quote (and Bhagwati's use of me as a straw man to beat up on) are taken *from*the*web*.

If not for the web, Bhagwati would not have been able to rip two sentences from a Los Angeles Times op-ed out of context for his purposes; and Paul Krugman wouldn't have found the passage so handy.

So it *is* changing things. (For example, I give Cody's less than a generation.) And I am trying *hard* to think about just what and how, because I owe Kevin Kelly a more thoughtful and reasoned response...

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