Were the Nazis radical environmentalists?

Nathan Newman nnewman at ix.netcom.com
Mon May 11 21:14:38 PDT 1998

-----Original Message----- From: Jim heartfield <Jim at heartfield.demon.co.uk> To: lbo-talk at lists.panix.com <lbo-talk at lists.panix.com>; marxism at lists.panix.com <marxism at lists.panix.com>

> We
>should also keep in mind that many libertarian-oriented right-wingers, like
>Jack Kemp and the late Julian Simon, are vehemantly pro-open borders.

Jim said: -What point are you making here, Louis? Simon's support for open borders -does not damage the case for an open door - it makes Simon a better man -than you would normally allow (I am surprised and sceptical about Kemp's -being attributed such a position).

Kemp took a vocal position against Prop 187 back in 1994, making him almost unique in the conservative movement in not only supporting the general rhetoric of open borders as some do but politically opposing the sitting Republican governor of California. Kemp did back away from that position when he was offered the Vice Presidential nomination, but his stand in 1994 was quite admirable, if touched by the calculation that (correctly) foresaw a massive Latino backlash against the Republicans.

Kemp is an economic wacko rightwinger with his attachment to the Gold standard, supply-side and a number of other hard-right ideas, but on the issue of race, Kemp has generally been far more progressive than 99% of Republicans and many Democrats. As some people have commented, Kemp as a professional football player, has showered with more black people than many conservatives have talked to.

In practice, Kemp supports some of the worst policies imaginable, but I believe it derives from an honest if wacko view of the world.

--Nathan Newman

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