
Mark Jones Jones_M at netcomuk.co.uk
Fri May 15 01:50:28 PDT 1998

Is anyone connecting this thread with population? If the US census people are right there will be 400m (median) 500m (high forecast) US citizens by 2050. The US is becoming Third Worldized because it has a third world rate of surplus population creation. The housing market is bound to 'boom', and as long as the US can buy $200bn of other people's stuff by printing paper, the whole economy will 'boom'. That's what rising population can do, as long as foreigners believe your paper.


JRSHEV01 at ulkyvm.louisville.edu wrote:

> That young people are living doubled, tripled or quadrupled up is not only
> true of "the San Francisco Bay area, admittedly a high rent area," it is
> also true of Lousiville, Kentucky, a not-so-high rent area. Also, the "young"
> people that I know are not undergrads and others who have just left their
> parents' homes, but college graduates (and others of similar age, 25-30 years)
> who hold jobs, sometimes two, and still don't have the financial means to rent
> their own apartments, much less buy a house. Of course, these 'youngsters' are
> children of working class parents who, when they borrowed thousands of dollars
> to attend college, knew that they were assured a part in the middle-class upon
> graduation; but, after repaying the loans and seeing to other basic expenses,
> improvement in their economic status, in relation to that of their parents,
> seems unlikely or at least part of a distant future. Sue.

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