populism vs. Marxism (was RE: Frank Sinatra)

William S. Lear rael at dejanews.com
Mon May 18 14:00:29 PDT 1998

On Mon, May 18, 1998 at 13:00:16 (-0700) Brad De Long writes:
>I think the place to draw the line is at setting whole cities on fire.
>Bombing railroads and districts with tank factories in them is not a war
>crime. Trying to set whole cities on fire is.

Nothing like categorizing murdering civilians as "collateral damage" to soothe one's conscience.

>By that count Truman gets roughly 200,000 skeletons--say, one-fourth of a
>Suharto. Roosevelt gets half a Suharto. By my (rough) count Reagan gets
>perhaps a tenth of a Suharto, and Nixon and Johnson together make it up
>into the Suharto range.

Suharto murdered probably over a million before he got his grubby mits on E. Timor. He did this with US support and materiel. For this crucial assistance, we have blood on our hands as well.

George Will all by himself merits a few Suharto slivers. This paragon of moral virtue lauded the incineration of Japanese civilians as "a profoundly moral deed".

>Pinochet gets maybe a tenth of a Suharto. Ho Chi Minh is maybe a Suharto
>and a half.

So, HCM murdered 1.5-2 million people? I wasn't aware of this.

>Castro I don't know enough about, but I suspect he is in the tenth-Suharto
>range. Kim Il Sung is probably in the three Suharto range. Pol Pot is also
>in the three Suharto range--but he gets extra points for "enthusiasm" given
>Cambodia's small population base.
>Lenin and Chiang Kai-Shek are in the roughly ten Suharo range.
>The servants of the Showa Emperor make it up to the 10-20 Suharto range.
>Mao, Stalin, and Hitler are in the 30-60 Suharto range.

Again, you need to revise your estimates, given that, legally, those who are direct accomplices to murder are just as guilty. So, essentially, most if not all of the post-WWII political killings in Central and South America, Africa, Asia, etc. where the US boot found soft flesh, can be traced back in origin to Truman's red scare, designed to help bail out the ailing postwar aircraft industry. You can thank his lunatic Forestall for getting all of these massacres off the ground, and subsequent administrations for continuing these policies; not to be forgotten are the able scholars who created fresh apologies for this, and our loyal lapdog media.

You start swinging that guilty stick and you're gonna clock a lot of people.


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