Boudy counts, was: populism vs. Marxism, in turn was: Frank Sinatra

Brad De Long delong at econ.Berkeley.EDU
Mon May 18 14:21:50 PDT 1998

>On Mon, 18 May 1998, Brad De Long wrote:
>> Some of us hope for a governmental system that gives us better choices than
>> one between I. V. Stalin and J. C. Calhoun. That some things are *very* bad
>> does not make other bad things good...
>> Brad DeLong
>I agree, but I don't think showering the Pentagon with money makes a
>better alternative more likely. Probably less likely since "foreign
>enemies" is the usual excuse, whether tiger cages or Moscow show trials

It would have been a good thing had the U.S. been semi-mobilized in 1940-1941. Then George Marshall might have gotten a second front in France in 1942 or 1943...

But I agree: I think the U.S. would be more secure with half the military budget and with the excess transferred to foreign aid...

Brad DeLong

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