Energy Supplies (was: Co-state variables)

John St. Clair jstclair at
Mon May 18 19:53:19 PDT 1998

Mark, I'm not going to get into a debate about credentials, but you *do* realize that ethanol (substitute for methanol) can be produced?

The question I originally asked, way back when, was:

(I said) ...doesn't the probability that within 10-15 years, they [fuel cells] will be efficient enough to replace most car engines and energy supplies give you pause in the sweeping generalization that (as you put it),
> ...turbines in Texas, but life as we know it will definitely be
> discontinued. The world's energy-system will be decarbonised,
> is being already as we move to carbon-light gas. We will ride
> bicycles and the 'burbs will be ghost towns. (...)

Simply a question about your latter statement: "is being already as we move to carbon-light gas." justifying the inference "We will ride bicycles ..." My question was: as we move along to lighter forms of carbon, will efficiency improve (i.e, the fuel-cell). And if so, does this mean that actually we will continue to ride in cars, in fact more cars? I'm not questioning the larger point of whether or not we will *eventually* run out of gas.

Yours in fuel,


John St. Clair University of South Florida Department of Philosophy Cooper 107 Tampa, FL 33647

Office: CPR 267 Phone: 813-974-5896 Hours: M 3-5, T 10-12

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