Identity politics/Reading Notes

Jim heartfield Jim at
Tue May 26 10:17:13 PDT 1998

In message < at>, James Devine <jdevine at> writes
>>Hook's Korsch inspired Towards and Understanding of Karl Marx. The
>>critique had the unfortunate title (which Mattick repudiated, I
>>understand) *THe Inevitability of Communism* (1935).
>are either of these books available somewhere? I understand that Hook (and
>his heirs? I don't know if he's still alive) repudiated and suppressed
>"Towards an Understanding of Karl Marx." I read a photocopy once...

Hook's 'From Hegel to Marx: Studies in the Intellectual Development of Karl Marx' is published by Columbia University Press (1994). I must say the Mattick sounds intriguing. I think he also wrote a critique of Marcuse which I've never been able to find. The British Library used to have all of the original Living Marxism that Mattick edited. -- Jim heartfield

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