More Honky-Talk

Rakesh Bhandari bhandari at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Fri May 29 02:12:48 PDT 1998

1. John StC mentions Robert Rydell's book on the world faires and colonial exhibitions of the early 20th, a main text in one of Donna's chapters of her recently completed dissertation. Not being a dweeb, she is asleep looking into her eyelids, and I don't have the chapter with me. The world faires and colonial exhibitions are fascinating for many reasons: the change in the representation of the other from caged savage as incommensurable other at the 1899 faire to full-scale pavilions depicting modernized colonies; the breathtaking beauty of the fresque constructed for, say, the French Colonial Exhibition of 1931, a beauty which drowned out the horrific realities of red rubber; the attempt to instill in faire-goers a sense of membership in a Greater (modernized) France. The colonial exhibitions were the first representations of the world as a global village.

2. I think Justin got Wojtek wrong. It's not only, as countless critics have underlined, the crying absence of proper precautions to ensure that race is not confounded with other factors or that the effects of racism have indeed been accounted for. Wojtek questioned the validity of the inference from the racial IQ gap which remains after SES-like variables have been (putatively) controlled for to the existence of heritable racial differences in cognitive ability. That Murray and friends are borrowing authority by clothing man's most dangerous myth in pseudo-scientific discourse is proven by their refusal to simply look at any evidence not of the paper and pencil kind, in particular Lewontin's evindence of the underlying genetics through protein polymorphisms, which speaks for or against the liklihood of the existence of heritable deep racial differences in complex behavioral characteristics.

Now there has been the important discovery of higher risks among Europeans for cystic fibrosis or Sub Saharan Africans and people of the Mediterranean for sickle cell or Eastern European Jews for Tay-Sachs. But outside of the particular function of those genes, there is nothing about genetics to sugest that other, more general functions and behaviors will be dictated by a gene or small group of genes.

Anyways, actual scientific studies in the interaction between nutrition, cellular development and neuorological sequencing have exposed as deeply reductionist any attempt to reduce behavior to the simple firing of neuro transmitters. (see Richard Lewontin, Jonathan Marks, John Vandermeer, L Cavalli-Sforza)

And it shouldn't have to be pointed out Michael Jordan suggests only his own exceptionality, not that of blacks; on last count, a black kid has a better chance of getting hit by lightening than becoming a shooting star in the NBA. There is little chance our son (yet to be conceived) will be a point guard and no chance at all he will be an economist.


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