I reply (WS): I generally agree with that line or argument. I also think, however, that both Yoshie and Charles attach too much value to the contents of this neo-racist pseudo-science. As I tried to show in my earlier posting under the same thread, this stuff is evdently crap and can be easily refuted on methodological grounds. Thus, its value to the ruling class must lie in something else than the content that can so easily be refuted.
I view this stuff in the context of two phenomena. The first phenoment is the eneromou changes taking place in the world - old empire crumbling, new empires emerging, new technologies being introduced, entirely new legislations to regulate them being drafted, new markets, spehres of influences being established, public properties (space, information technology) being transfered to corporations -- in a word, the captains of industry re-designing the new world order on the grand scale.
The second phenomenon is th eproliferation of culture wars fought a hundred years ago: sexual freedom, abortion, school prayer, and now biological grounds of social inequalities. It seems to me that as the history shifts into the fast-forward gear in the corporate sphere, it also shifts, or rathwr someone is trying to shift it, into reverse in the public sphere.
I do not view it a mere coincidence. I think that culture wars over abortion, race and school prayer are a delibearte tactic used by th emedia owners to divert public attention form how the spoils of the cold war and new age technology are being divided. The issues, race, abortion or religion, are selected not because of their contents, but because of their one and only property -- they are highly divisive and inflammatory, thus create a perfect diversion. I bet you a beer that the next Kulturkampf will be over a flat-earth-science and geo-centric cosmogony being intriuced by some wacky group to school curriculum.
Religion and culture have always been a perfect diversion from real social problems. I do not think this time is any different. Cultural identity politics is such a nice diversion from the corporate pig-out. That, BTW, makes me almost sympathetic to the dictum by Hanns Johst (a Nazi playwright): "Wenn ich Kultur hoere, entsichere ich meinen Browning." (When I hear about culture, I cock my pistol.)
This would be the death knell of capitalism in the U.S., ending the main
division of the working class. Reaganism had as a main element the defeat
of this reform drift. Reaganite racism has as a distinguishing
characteristic a demogogic use of the factual trend of diminishining
racism(which I describe above) by claiming that racism has already been
eradicated. This is taken even further to claim that reverse discrimination
is now as much or more of !
>a problem as "straightup"discrimination.
>David Duke, the Neo-Nazi/kkk leader, used anti-affirmative action as the
main plank in his campaign for governor of Louisiana in the 80's ( He got
40%). From the fascist to the crypto-fascist to the conservative right
affirmative action was and is the main factual hook for reverse
discrimination and Blacks -as -now -privileged -over- whites demogogy. This
probably explains in part why some big corporations favored it in the
California Initiative vote last year. The myth that reverse discrimination
is now more the problem and its logic is critical to maintaining the last
(?) type of racism, which Reaganite racism the big bourgeoisie must have
to rule in America.
>Charles Brown