List Volume

Andrew Kliman Andrew_Kliman at
Sat May 30 21:05:24 PDT 1998

I just came across the best argument for further controlling the volume on this list, in a business publication to which I subscribe. The author, one Doug Henwood, writes:

"In [TV] news, then, speed of thought and language are prized, meaning, says Bourdieu, no real communication can take place. Real communication, and real thought, take time; what can be done in an instant is only to pay homage to received ideas. TV loves ... 'fast thinkers,' who aren't really thinking at all."

Yet the author concludes on an upbeat note: "Oh, but wait, there's the web -- that'll save us."

One would hope.

Andrew ("Drewk") Kliman Home: Dept. of Social Sciences 60 W. 76th St., #4E Pace University New York, NY 10023 Pleasantville, NY 10570 (914) 773-3951 Andrew_Kliman at

"... the *practice* of philosophy is itself *theoretical.* It is the *critique* that measures the individual existence by the essence, the particular reality by the Idea." -- K.M.

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