Mike Yates Memo

Dennis R Redmond dredmond at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Mon Nov 2 13:38:19 PST 1998

On Mon, 2 Nov 1998 cgrimes at tsoft.com wrote:

> academic managerial class. So, if anyone is looking for solidarity on
> these issues, check out your local Classics department--you might find
> comrades in arms there.

And literature and languages departments, too. Capital doesn't like people who read. You know, class consciousness and all that. Must've allow the proles to get ideas or anything.

> So, all and all, what to do?

Organize, organize, organize! Grad workers (and adjuncts, temps, etc.) of the world, unite, you have only tens of thousands of dollars worth of Stafford loans plus crappy compensation and no benefits to lose...

-- Dennis

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