Ayn Rand

Brett Knowlton brettk at unica-usa.com
Tue Nov 3 08:35:20 PST 1998

I checked out this guy's web site. There was a review of his book, Marx, Hayek, and Utopia (or is it Hayek, Marx, and Utopia?) and his response to various reviewers. I didn't understand a word of it.

What is the "dialectical method" anyway? Doug, can you shed light on this?

Why can't these guys write prose that is easy to understand? I'm judging based on a small sample size here, but I feel like someone who's been excluded from the club when I read this stuff.


At 11:12 AM 11/3/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Frances Bolton (PHI) wrote:
>>Who is this guy Sciabarra?
>Big fan of Rand & the Austrians too; thinks they share the dialectical
>method with Marx. Did his poli sci diss at NYU under Bertell Ollman.
>By the way, paging through his Rand book I learned that the dreaded term
>"self-esteem" was coined and popularized by Rand's protege/lover Nathaniel

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