Time to bulldoze the Jefferson Memorial?

Carl Remick cremick at rlmnet.com
Tue Nov 3 09:12:13 PST 1998

Re Barkely's: "BTW, in his later years Jefferson wrote things suggesting opposition to slavery. Of course he hypocritically continued to keep slaves, and in contrast to George Washington, did not free them on his death. This may have reflected his personal financial profligacy as much as any moral/political failing."

This puts me over the limit for today, but I see Jefferson's failings as all of a piece. I think, for instance, that his "personal financial profligacy" *was* a moral failing. The man died hopelessly in debt -- not because he had simply been trying to make ends meet but because he was a greedy SOB. As I said yesterday his accomplishments in design, etc., were carried out largely by stolen labor and money. I see Monticello as no more than a monument to self-indulgence.

Carl Remick

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