Microsoft's fear of free software

Brad De Long delong at econ.Berkeley.EDU
Thu Nov 5 05:42:09 PST 1998

>>So you think that Linus Torvalds is primarily out to make a lot of money?
>>Very strange belief...
>How does agreement with the first paragraph lead to a belief that Linus
>Torvalds is primarily out to make money? This kind of argumentation irks
>me, especially from someone who (should) know better.
>In case you're merely unfamiliar with the OSS/FSF position, they claim that
>people should be able to share source code freely once its produced, but
>they have no problem with programmers being paid (perhaps a lot) to write
>the code in the first place. You just shouldn't be able to prevent other
>people from passing around copies of the source code once its written.
>There may be refinements that I'm unaware of, but that's the main thrust.

I want to point out that Linux, "The Bazaar and the Cathedral," and are *not* the same kind of production operation as Microsoft--and are very interesting.

You want to talk about how the OSS/FSF way of doing things does not by itself necessarily prohibit market production of software.

Brad DeLong

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