"their own reality"

Thomas Kruse tkruse at albatros.cnb.net
Thu Nov 5 19:54:44 PST 1998

>From today's paper in Cochabamba, Bolivia:

La Paz (Los Tiempos).- The Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces [of Bolivia], general Carlos Béjar, said yesterday that members of the military "have their own reality" and with that argument he declared himself in oppostion to re-opening investigations on the dictatorships of the '70s and '80s.


"Look, this [the dictatorships] is a natural concequence of our country's history and we can't judge what happened 20 years ago, because at that time conditions were different from today," he noted.

Well, glad we put that to rest.



Original version:

La Paz (Los Tiempos).- El comandante en Jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas, general Carlos Béjar, dijo ayer que los militares "tienen su propia realidad" y con ese argumento se declaró opuesto a reabrir las investigaciones en torno a las dictaduras de los años '70 y '80.


"Fíjese que esa es una consecuencia natural de la historia de nuestro país y no podemos juzgar lo que ha pasado hace 20 años, porque en ese momento las condiciones eran diferentes a las que estamos", acotó.

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