Why the hubbub about Ventura?

Dennis R Redmond dredmond at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Fri Nov 6 13:10:54 PST 1998

On Fri, 6 Nov 1998, Carl Remick wrote:

> It's astonishing the micro-scrutiny this isolated oddball Ventura is
> getting on the list, while significant electoral *trends* -- like the
> revived influence of unions and blacks -- go unexamined. Is this some
> sort of Kautsky-esque reaction (electoral politics are all a crock, so
> you might as well stay entertained)?

If the union and African American vote went to third parties, that'd be something to talk about, sure. But total turnout was only 37% or so, meaning than a grand total of 19% of eligible voters cast the decisive vote. Really, this country is starting to give decadence a bad name.

-- Dennis

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