Cockburn on Slavery

Christopher Niles cniles at
Thu Nov 12 18:31:01 PST 1998

>Incidentally, the best illustration I have seen in years of my continuing
>proposition that "the left" (as opposed to scattered leftists) does not
>exist is
>the fact that any other topics than opposing U.S. intervention and saving
>are currently being discussed on the various leftist and marxist lists.

Just as I believe that "white" folks, not the "racist" ("whiteism" not "racism"), are a major obstacle to human freedom, I believe the "left" is a barrier to the kind of creatively critical thinking and acting necessary to the development of a post-capitalist, democratic, non-authoritarian society based primarily on principles of use, not ownership. But I am not quite sure what your are saying here, Carroll: that the range of debate among "the left" is evidence of its non-exisitance? Could you elaborate?


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