Animal testing of cosmetics to end in UK

Louis Proyect lnp3 at
Tue Nov 17 06:22:29 PST 1998

Chris Burford:
>Therefore the distinction that LP so abhores on principle, that I keep
>making, between finance capital, industrial capital and landed capital,
>with the aim of slicing up the enemy and taking over the means of
>production, is relevant in theory as well as in practice.

Is that what you were up to? Slicing up the enemy. Well, please forgive me. I thought that you were initiating a fan club for the Blair/Clinton "third way".

>On the apparently trivial level of cosmetics, millions of working people
>are concerned about the accountability of the capitalist industry for
>cruelty to animals, people for whom LP I sense fundamentally has no
>respect, but who are resources for the overall global revolution.

"Resources for the overall global revolution." What a gob of ugly meaningless prose. The argument, by the way, is not over whether concessions are important or not. It is rather that you make an amalgam between the grass roots movement and the slimy government in power, as if they had anything in common.

>To refer to Lenin again, (perhaps someone could give LP a copy of Left Wing
>Communism - an Infantile Disorder over the festive season), "The
>alternation of parliamentary and non-parliamentary forms of struggle, of
>tactics of boycotting parliament and tactics of participating in
>parliament, of legal and illegal forms of struggle, and likewise their
>interrelations and connections - all of this is distinguished by an
>astonishing richness of content."

Yes, but Lenin also said, --- Vozdukhov was sufficiently sober to be able to speak quietly with Shelemetyev and on arriving at the police-station quite distinctly told Sergeant Panov his name and occupation. Notwithstanding all this, Shelemetyev, no doubt with the knowledge of Panov, who had just questioned Vozdukhov, "pushed" the latter, not into the common cell, in which there were a number of other drunkards, but into the adjoining "soldiers' lock-up." As he pushed him, his sword got caught on the latch of the door and it cut his hand slightly; imagining that Vozdukhov was holding the sword, he rushed at him to strike him, shouting that his hand bad been cut. He struck Vozdukhov with all his might in the face, in the chest, in the side; he struck him so hard that Vozdukhov fell, striking his forehead on the floor and begging for mercy. "Why are you hitting me?" he implored, according to the statement of a witness, Semakhin, who was in the neighbouring cell at the time. "It was not my fault. Forgive me, for Christ's sake!" According to the evidence of this witness, it was not Vozdukhov who was drunk, but sooner Shelemetyev. ---

This of course refutes and supersedes all your Lenin quotes. Plus I have translated this from the original Russian with the assistance of my cubicle-mate Boris Kerplansky. Not only am I more orthodoxically Leninistic than you, I am also grounded in the original tongue. So take heed of the Russian proverb the next time you quote Lenin to me: "Zerblev yad morkhut vnezhir agman durstz."

>No wonder LP agonised about whether he should exchange friendly words with
>an attractive woman policeman. It's OK now: he can ask her if she is
>wearing the right brand of makeup. And who knows, she might be.

Actually I have been seeing Latisha for some months now and she is thinking about leaving the department and going to work here at Columbia University. It turns out her dad was a Maoist and we get along famously. Why last weekend we went fishing for flounder in Montague and talked about old times. He was actually the guy with the bullhorn who tried to drown out Vance Hartke at the NPAC conference in 1971.

Louis Proyect


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