Fwd: American Bioethics Advisory Commission Demands...

Christopher Morton notchris at webtv.net
Fri Nov 20 13:22:53 PST 1998

Max Sawicky:  So if my tush is hanging in the breeze but my head is in my mother (mother-to-be?) and you use some sort of instrument to suck my brains out of my skull, what is that called? Or does it never happen?

--------- That's a rare medical procedure called dilation and extraction, and I've been led to believe it's usually performed on women who aren't able to carry a pregnancy to term due to great health risks. Of course, I may have been misled. Maybe the people who came up with the term "partial birth abortions" are right, and the majority of these procedures are performed on teenage girls who can't fit into their prom dresses.

Christopher Morton

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